Edwin Riley, Ph.D. offers corporate and educational consultation services relating to stress reduction and integrative health care programs. Dr. Riley has worked with corporate groups on lifestyle change to improve on-the-job production, promote focus, and improve lifestyle change shown to increase job performance and satisfaction.
He is also an advisor to business leaders offering in-house services to personnel such as smoking cessation, weight management, nutrition, exercise physiology focusing on tai chi/chi kung and stress reduction techniques.
Dr. Riley has worked with hospitals to faciltate the implementation of alternative, complementary and integrative health programs into traditional allopathic settings. Modalities and therapies such as acupuncture, massage therapy, Crainio-sacral therapy, and medical chi kung serve to increase public interest and often times facilitate more rapid healing.
Services are available both in the United States and internationally.
Call Dr. Riley at 561-628-8007 or email at riley@stressreduction.com.